Tuna Turron

Tuna Turron

6 cans of tuna in water
1 can of peas and carrots
1 cup of celery finely chopped
1 cup of raisins
1/2 can of sweet corn
6 olives finely chopped
10 capers finely cut
4 small sweet pickles finely cut
3 eggs
1 can of Nestle table cream
1/2 cup of white vinegar
1 package of mozzarella shredded cheese
2 cups of bread crumbs (I like the Matzo brand)

Use the food processor to finely cut the celery, copers, olives and pickles, Mix all the ingredients in a large bowl and put them in a big Pyrex (put olive oil in the surface previously) put the Pyrex in the oven at 350 F for 45 minutes. Enjoy it warm or cold !

To make the braid use the tuna filling and 1 crescent rolls can of your favorite brand.


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